“Put Your Dreams Away:A Frank Sinatra Discography”
Luiz Carlos Do Nascimento Silva,
Greenwood Press (2000)
616 pages

By Mahnuel Muñoz

This book collects all the information related to Frank Sinatra’s recording sessions from 1939 to 1994, with dates, places, names of participating musicians, takes chosen for the masters, albums in which each song is included and a large amount of information interesting for the most avid fans, such as songs that were programmed but never recorded.

The book has an extremely austere design, without photos, since its value lies in the data collected by the author over half a century, since he wrote a column in the monthly “Revista do disco“.
Luiz Carlos Do Nascimento Silva was determined to obtain all the information about The Voice’s recording activity and contacted record company personnel, musicians and collectors. Finally, in 1998, the book was ready to see the light of day, and two years later it hit bookstores.

Its importance is demonstrated by the fact that it is part of the catalog of the United States Library of Congress.

It is not easy to find and its price is usually quite high, so it is only recommended for large collectors.

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