By Mahnuel Muñoz
Today we talked about the good that listening to Frank Sinatra does to us when we have joy stuck in the soles of our shoes. It seems that animals are no different.
An elephant named Kaavan, currently eking out a living in a horrible zoo in Islamabad, Pakistan, feels calmer when he listens to “My Way,” according to Reuters.
Kaavan is supposed to move to a sanctuary in Cambodia, because a Pakistani court ruled that all animals in Islamabad zoos should be released or transferred to a better environment.
Speaking of his relationship with Kaavan, Amir Khalil, the veterinarian who first sang the famous song to the elephant, said: “When we arrived 10 days ago… I started training him and singing to him and he took me in, so we have a good relationship“.
Khalil has previously worked in war zones to rescue animals and is now working with “Four Paws“, an animal welfare organization. Their job is to determine if the elephant can travel to Cambodia. Kaavan is 36 years old and has spent many years in an enclosed space at the zoo. He has lived alone for the last eight years, after the death of his partner.
The elephant was sedated for a complete check-up. According to Frank Goeritz, the elephant specialist for “Four Paws,” Kaavan will most likely be able to travel despite the fact that he is obese, unhappy and has deformed nails, risking causing a serious infection.
He is now waiting for the results of Kaavan’s blood test. Goeritz said: “Let’s wait until we have all the results, but so far I don’t see a big problem with him traveling… he’s leading a better life.”
The Pakistani court made this decision after a global campaign for animal rights, which was supported by American singer Cher. Animal rights activists have also expressed concern over the poor conditions of zoos in Islamabad. In the last four years, dozens of animals have died at Islamabad Zoo, including four lion cubs.
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