The touching story of David McJimpsey
By Mahnuel Muñoz
After spending a warm summer afternoon in 1970 in his favorite pub, David McJimpsey returned to the house he shared with his parents and siblings in Glasgow and saw to his horror that the back wall of the block had collapsed.
Luckily, no one had been hurt.
Faced with moving out of his dilapidated home with only a few possessions, David’s biggest concern was saving something very close to his heart.
“It was decided that we would stay with several relatives and I would move in with my girlfriend (now his wife) Pam and her family,” explains David. “We were allowed to return to the building to collect some personal belongings, so I put some clothes in suitcase and picked up my eight Frank Sinatra records.
“I had a big collection of sixties pop music, but once I discovered Frank, I started collecting his music and had quite a few rare records. It became a running joke in the family that in the midst of all that drama that night, my only concern was saving my Sinatra LPs.“
A few weeks later, David and his family were relocated to Royston Road in the north of the city.
“Over the years, my Sinatra collection has grown a little, but I still have those eight LPs I put away that summer night in 1970. For the past 50 years, Pam has had to listen to Frank, although she says she still “I prefer Engelbert Humperdinck.”
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