“Songs By Sinatra” Radio Show

They were definitely different times… get home, get comfortable and turn on the radio. And on the other side of the dial, Frank Sinatra.

On October 24, 1943, the first “Songs By Sinatra” program was broadcast, a radio show starring The Voice on the CBS network that enjoyed great critical and public success.

Frank reaches American homes through the airwaves every Sunday to share his songs with an unconditional audience. The musical arrangements are by Axel Stordahl, and the vocal group The Bobby Tucker Singers adds their voices to Sinatra’s.

The first season of this space concludes on December 26, 1943. The second is broadcast between September 12, 1945 and June 5, 1946 and the third and last between September 18, 1946 and June 4, 1947. For these seasons there is a sponsor – the Old Gold cigarette brand – and the support vocal group is “The Pied Pipers“.

These programs are very interesting for fans and collectors, because Frank performs not only his classics, he also undertakes songs that he will never repeat in the studio and others that he will record, but with very different arrangements and approaches.

A good handful of songs recorded during the program’s general rehearsals were used for the “V-discs“, records recorded for the United States Army, of which Columbia Records released an extraordinary compilation in 1994.

In 2015 Sony put on sale the box set “Frank Sinatra: A Voice On Air 1935-1955“, which generously covers the radio career of The Voice. In it we can find many songs from the different stages of “Songs By Sinatra“.

For “forbidden” treasure hunters, there are quite a few unofficial titles with material from this program, among which I recommend:

-The Unheard Frank Sinatra Vol.2, Vol.3
-Frank Sinatra Live 1942-1946
-The Old Gold Shows Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3, Vol.4
-The Voice 1943-1947
-Songs By Sinatra 1945
-The Live Duets 1943-1957
-Portraits From The Past
-Sinatra & Friends

Article written by Mahnuel Muñoz

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