Sinatra’s universality
I always savor my life with music, every day, every corner, every special or everyday moment, and Sinatra is never, ever missing… For this reason, my hours as a lottery administrator are permanently accompanied, and accompanying my clients, with Spotify and some halfway decent speakers. Listening to the song “Goodbye (She Quietly Says)“, something was confirmed that I don’t know if it satisfies me or saddens me: Everyone recognizes Frank’s Voice immediately, without hesitation, with a smile, and they always end their statement with the phrase: What good music you hear!
Before I forget, someone will ask themselves: why are you going to be sad that everyone recognizes Sinatra?… It’s probably because of that selfish tendency of possession, inherent to human beings, to have the maximum possible exclusivity over that which is extraordinary. , as much as a Van Gogh, a very reduced issue stamp, an exceptional horse or…, also, the veneration for Frank Sinatra. It is a kind of tribal feeling, the erroneous certainty that only some of us who are advantaged adore and recognize the excellence of their vocality. I don’t know, it’s probably a very subjective perception that none of you sympathize with.
However, the truth is that the Voice is, without a doubt, along with Elvis, the only one identified by everyone, young, old, old, by all social classes, addicted to music or indifferent… A magnet of delight! , capable of distracting you from what you are thinking and attracting you, like a flash in the dark, a hook with an indescribable bait, something similar to beautiful poetry, a dazzling sculpture, a ground-breaking painting, a landscape from which you do not want to leave. And, all these works, with one difference: everyone recognizes the Voice, whether they understand art or not.
It is possible that my reflection is the beginning of a journey to nowhere because, the obviousness of my statements leaves it in a simple text without any of the requirements to attract anyone’s attention. Despite this, and given that I have been experiencing that sensation of Frank’s unlimited universality for months, I needed to convey this invitation to the big question: Is there anyone in the history of music who is more popular than Sinatra? If we limit ourselves to asking this without the rest of this writing, we would surely fall into reproducing mass answers: “Now they no longer know this, they hear other things…”
However, my experience with thousands of people-public who pass by my window is quite the opposite: Sinatra is the most international, most recognizable Voice and, I will say more, the most recognized. Hence everyone’s expression: What good music you hear!
And that’s how it was, with this hidden song, that of an unknown and limited edition album, that’s how I understood that the Voice would be distinguished even when performing “Macarena” (Los Del Río).
Good evening everyone.
By the way, I think “Goodbye (She Quietly Says)” is one of Frank’s most beautiful and complete interpretations, an exaltation of his most mature, most inimitable voice.
Article provided by Antonio Baile
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