“Frank Sinatra’s Soliloquy: A Masterpiece of Reflection and Emotion”
“Soliloquy” is a 1945 song composed of Richard Rodgers, with lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II, written for his 1945 musical Carousel. It is worth entering Google and reading the various translations of a beautiful letter: Billy Bigelow, the now unemployed Cantor de Carousel, the musical antihero, sings this song of seven and a half minutes just after knowing that he is about to become a father. In him, happily dreams of what would be to be the father of a boy, but in the middle of the song, he realizes that he could become a girl.
“Soliloquy”, the song immediately becomes more tender, since the idea begins to like. At the end of the song, consider that a girl needs the best that a father can offer and decides to get money to maintain her. It is this idea that drives him to help his criminal friend Jigger Craigin commit a robbery, an act that finally leads to a personal disaster for Billy.
Frank Sinatra had recently become a father when he recorded “Soliloquy” for the first time on May 28, 1946.
The song is extremely unusual since it requires the singer to sing alone (and occasionally speak) for seven and a half minutes, in the manner of an operatic aria.
(Source: Wikipedia)
This topic, I think I remember, was the one that marked in my life another relaunch of my passion for Sinatra. The traditional melodies that dazzled me so much gave way to an interpretation of a complete artist. In those years of my life, the LP was the means to worship a voice, a music, a lyrics. I don’t remember which of them I heard this wonderful song that caught me until today.
This led me to chase Sinatra issues in which there was a special interpretive burden, voice tones and rhythms that climb the staff and take you for a journey of serious and acute and letters with special meaning.
When the concert videos in VHS arrived, the suspicions began to be confirmed: Sinatra was also an actor, yes, also an actor and, I confess, he was more actor in one of his interpretations in a scenario than in the set of all his films. Thus it seems to me … In other words, his films fail to lift my admiration for their artistic side as they do, to light years, any of its live concerts with its presence and expressiveness.
Thanks again, Frank.
Article written and provided by Antonio Baile.

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