“Frank Sinatra’s ‘Ol’ MacDonald’: A Timeless Voice Bringing Childhood Classics to Life”
When age suggests that the ability to surprise is decreasing, something or someone appears that retracts you to the reality of the past: you will never stop surprising yourself… You are always in the past, tomorrow a unsuspected event will rejuvenate you or someone unexpected. And so, over the years, the Spanish proverb, popular wisdom of yesteryear, confirms that “you will never lie down without knowing one more thing.”
These lines could constitute the beginning of a story, even of a children He sung me. (Something like a walk through the “The Wizard of Oz”).
The truth is that, without being a children’s story, I am extending to share with you my amazement gesture when I have opened this children’s song in Spotify, played by Frank.
I have revived that sense of disbelief and misunderstanding that I shared with you when I discovered the LP “Watertown”. The passage of the days and weeks have consolidated that album in my memory and today constitutes something essential in my discography. Therefore, when I heard this childhood, I have opened my senses to all possibilities and I loved the version, the presentation, of course the voice, and the spirit of this magnificent idea. Everything has reminded me of Frank’s endearing scene singing “High Hopes” among children. “Ol´macdonald had a Farm” was born as a song of cradle and children .
I confess that I begin to worry about the excessive devotion that I accumulate by Sinatra because, once again, its version gives me at your feet and confirms that this voice has more than a special voice, a voice that has a part on which you are on which you You can speak technically and another part with something inexplicable for all of us and that overflows the senses.
As we have already talked about on other occasions, Sinatra has the virtue of versatility, adaptability and the ability to perfect any work it interprets. Come on, what does everything!
It may be an exciting trip to meet cradle and other children’s songs played by Frank …, in addition to the two I have mentioned.
I am convinced that it will dazzle us, not as much as our mothers when they sang them, but there, there, below, but very close to them …
Thanks Frank for this day in which you have also known how to make me happy remembering a very happy childhood and with the luxury of listening to you.
After my mother’s, the best version I have heard …
Article written and provided by Antonio Baile.

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