“Frank Sinatra and Charles Aznavour: Two Legends, One Timeless Legacy”
Frank Sinatra and Charles Aznavour…. When you enter an art gallery of a certain reputation or when you go through a botanical garden in the most into the spring, in reality, when you walk your five senses through several options of any kind, all sublime, you feel an exponential, durable and generate pleasure An unforgettable memory. There are many works or many flowers, all precious, all awakening sensations of pleasure inexhaustively.
I know there are fans that do not participate with the joy of the Frank Duets. They reject them for sharing voices or for being, in some cases, artificial assemblies, and there are even purists who relegate them to the background in their career or, simply, ignore them … respectable, it could even be musically acceptable if we talk about the fact that Music should be a natural art and not a mechanical assembly pieces.
The truth is that to me, particularly, the Duets transfer me to two parallel theaters, they awake In the art gallery, a Rembrandt with a Miró, to two antagonistic and amazingly similar styles for its different beauty.
The Duet of Sinatra, our Frank with Charles Aznavour, is prodigious, an amazing marriage in which Frank is always the infallible part and Aznavour, without a doubt, I think that one of the most perfect, affectionate and enveloping voices that Europe has given in the 20th century.
As I always say, listening to some Duets always make me dream about how Sinatra would have been, to name some, Lionel Richie, Bob Dylan, Rod Stewart, Al Bano, Joe Cocker, etc … Sinatra’s versatility makes it easier to imagine it with all the great colossi of the music of the twentieth century.
Article written and provided by Antonio Baile.

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