By Mahnuel Muñoz
In 1979 Frank was immersed in the recording of “Trilogy“, a triple album with standards from the Great American Songbook, contemporary pop songs and an ambitious orchestral suite.
Among the selection of pop songs was a respectful and emotional version of “Love Me Tender” that harmoniously closed a circle that began two decades ago, precisely with that same song. In the duet with Elvis for the show, Frank went over the song with a certain lightness. In 1979, he performed with heart and solemnity, I like to think as a tribute to Elvis Presley.
They were never friends, although I think they could have become one, one of those friends who maintain a complicated relationship, who love each other, fight and separate for months or years, but they always come back, because theirs goes beyond the mercuries of the existence. And, despite their differences, they had a lot in common: they began their careers as teenage idols in times of important sociocultural change and became icons of their time.
His groundbreaking proposals marked the path to follow for countless new artists and helped transform the music industry. They shared almost two dozen songs in their repertoire; Particularly significant was the mystical “My Way”, a piece that became the highlight of each concert due to its similarities with their respective life experiences.
As human beings, they shared the humility of their roots, and were the only children of dominant mothers, marked by emotional deficiencies manifested in fickle characters and compulsive behaviors.
With Elvis and Sinatra there is no need to compete, but rather the duty to reconcile, and above all, to enjoy, as their art activates different springs of our soul.
We are very fortunate to have in their voices and effigies a spiritual refuge in the midst of this tragedy of a planet on fire.
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