“Standing Room Only” (Universal, 2018)
By Mahnuel Muñoz
So far, the last official Sinatra box set that has seen the light. It is a case, in a format similar to “World On A String“, containing three CDs with two concerts on North American soil, and on this occasion the period 1966-1987 is covered. These are alternatives to previously released live albums and not only do they have nothing to envy of the original releases, but they improve them.
The first CD includes the second concert on January 28, 1966 at the Sands in Las Vegas with the Count Basie orchestra. All the shows available from the period are magnificent and this one is no exception; Sinatra is radiant, Basie’s orchestra is fuming and the audience is in heaven.
And the audience at the concert of the second CD, at the Spectrum in Philadelphia, on October 7, 1974, also felt in heaven, when Frank displayed his old black magic, a week before the legendary Main Event at Madison Square Garden. If you liked that concert, this one in Philadelphia will blow your mind with its sound, its spectacular repertoire and the state of grace in which Ol’ Blue Eyes performs.
Finally, a 71-year-old Sinatra filled the Reunion Arena in Dallas to offer an absolutely magical recital, which was recorded for a radio special at the time and was partially published in 1995 under the misleading title “80th Live In Concert.” It is the longest show of the three and, for me, one of the best ever to star Frank.
Nothing to add, ladies and gentlemen. Pass sentence.
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