Now that news resurfaces of the possible filming of a biopic about Frank Sinatra directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence as Sinatra and Ava Gardner respectively, it is worth remembering that in 2012 there was already talk of this possibility, with Scorsese being the director and the candidates to play Sinatra, among others, Al Pacino, Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp. Robert DeNiro was even mentioned as Dean Martin. Apparently, the film was not made because the Sinatra family did not want some of the artist’s most controversial aspects to be shown in the feature film, such as his relationship with organized crime or the abortion practices of Dolly, the mother of Frank. Scorsese, with good judgment, could not consent to those types of limitations and an agreement was not reached and the project was officially declared dead in 2017.

Making a good, comprehensive Sinatra film is no easy task. A script is needed that shows in a reasonable duration a life that surpasses many fictions, several actors who embody The Voice in its different eras and an appropriate setting of “Frank’s World.” You can also choose to focus the action on a specific stage, for example from its birth to its resurgence in 1953 thanks to “From Here to Eternity“, or the years of the Rat Pack with Kennedy, which simplifies the choice of cast. .

The argument should not be evasive or obsessive. The darker human aspects must appear as an existing but not determining part. But the political correctness that inundates culture results in works without nuances. In Hollywood the situation reaches irritating levels.

I would very much hate to see a hagiographic film in which Frank is turned into a saint, or a yellowish garbage in which he is portrayed as a scoundrel… or worse still, an aseptic and sobering feature film to deliberately reach all audiences, stamp a political message and basically fulfill an economic objective.
I liked the approaches of the films dedicated to Ray Charles (“Ray”, 2004), Charlie Parker (“Bird”, 1988) or Johnny Cash (“Walk The Line”, 2005) or even a musical format like that of Cole Porter ( “It’s de-lovely”, 2004).

I hope that this new project sees the light of day and we can enjoy a good overview of the life of The Voice on the big screen. And, please, with the original songs!

By Mahnuel Muñoz

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