By Mahnuel Muñoz

If you go to the Philippines avoid karaoke. And if you can’t avoid them, for whatever you want, DON’T SING “MY WAY. What I am going to tell you is real and is documented. It would be too disturbing if it had come from someone’s imagination.

The “My Way Crimes” were a grotesque social phenomenon in the Philippines, consisting of a number of fatal disputes involving singing “My Way” in karaoke bars. You read well.

An article published in the New York Times in February 2010 estimates six deaths caused by this strange phenomenon, while other sources estimate a dozen murders in the decade from 2002 to 2012. Opinions about the facts differ, with who affirms that it is a simple coincidence, since it is a song widely sung in Filipino karaokes, usually violent places, and other theories blame the triumphalism of the lyrics. Butch Albarracin, the owner of a Manila singing school, opined in a 2010 interview: “The lyrics evoke feelings of pride and arrogance in the singer, as if he were someone when in reality he is nobody. It brings out your flaws. “And that leads to violence.” (!!!)

In the 2000s, half a dozen incidents occurred over public complaints about the way some karaoke patrons sang “My Way,” prompting Philippine newspapers to dub the events “The My Way Crimes.” “.

On May 29, 2007, a 29-year-old man was shot at a karaoke bar in San Mateo, while singing the song, apparently by the venue’s own security guard. According to reports, the guard complained about the unhappy young man’s out-of-tune singing; when he refused to stop singing, he received a .38 caliber bullet that left him dry.

The song began to be removed from karaoke bars in Manila after repeated complaints of fights and disputes due to out-of-tune versions of the song.

A New York Times journalist even asked: “Are the murders a natural byproduct of the country’s culture of violence, alcoholism and machismo, or is there something sinister inherent in the song?

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