On October 7, 1950, the first program of the “Frank Sinatra Show” (also known as “Bulova Watch Time“) was broadcast, the first of the television programs starring Frank Sinatra, which continued until 1952. The director of the program was Jack Donohue (1908-1984), who he also directed Frank in the “Colgate Comedy Hour” (1954), the “Frank Sinatra Show” of 1957-58, as well as the gala: “Frank Sinatra: The First 40 Years” (1979).
In film, Sinatra and Donohue worked together in “Marriage On The Rocks” (1965) and “Assault On A Queen” (1966, “Assault On Queen Mary”)
The show aired on CBS on Saturdays the first season and Tuesdays the second year. Like many variety shows of the time, the show was broadcast live and recorded via kinescope. The episodes lasted between 30 and 60 minutes.
Hosted by Frank Sinatra, the series was sponsored by the watch firm Bulova. Sinatra performed songs and sketches with his guests.
The program was canceled due to a progressive loss of audience caused by competition with other programs and by Frank’s scandalous relationship with Ava Gardner that generated unwanted headlines.
Among the most famous guests of the show are Louis Armstrong, The Andrew Sisters, Perry Como, Buster Keaton, Peggy Lee, Liberace and Sarah Vaughan.
By Mahnuel Muñoz https://www.facebook.com/mahnuelmunozoficial
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